Brewery Farm & Market Garden
The Black Isle Brewery Farm was bought in 2008 and converted to organic production. With the help of local volunteers, we embarked on a dual-purpose mission; to grow produce for our bars whilst encouraging nature back onto what was previously an intensively farmed area. This has produced wonderful results - you can read about our rewilding activities and recent biodiversity survey here.
For several years, we have worked with local schools, introducing children to life on the farm. This is an opportunity for them to spend time with animals, get their hands dirty, collect eggs, forage and harvest vegetables that they’ve grown.
“Visiting the Black Isle Brewery has taught me how to garden better. It has helped me work in a team and talk and interact with others more.”
“I feel more confident speaking to people.”
“Going to the Black Isle Brewery helps me concentrate more on my work in school. The fresh air and seeing the dogs and chickens are my favourite things.”
The farm is also home to our flock of Hebridean sheep and small herd of cattle. They are fed with spent grain from the brewery, known as “draff”. Any excess draff goes into our compost system for the garden.
Visitors to the brewery are welcome to enjoy a walk around the farm.
For more details on our gardening workshops please see this page
For any enquiries please contact us at office@blackislegardendesign.com