Meet the Man Behind Our Brewery Shop Mural: Fin Barge
Ahead of the summer, we decided our shop needed a new lease of life – and we wanted to bring together all aspects of Black Isle in the shape of a mural. The man for the job was Fin, who applied for our hostel mural project initially, but we loved his style and asked him if he would instead turn his hand to our brewery shop walls.
With us for a few weeks, Fin’s brushstroke mastery brought the organic message front and centre – with lots of brewers, beer – and of course – our dogs!
Fin comes from Loch Fyne, living on a sustainable farm in Argyll and Bute. He’s answered a few questions for us after his time at Black Isle, and also shared with us his incredible time-lapse of the project.
Can you tell us a little more about yourself and how you came to have a paintbrush in hand?
Well having studied Landscape Architecture I enjoy designing and building projects. It’s great to go from paper to realisation if I can. For that reason I have always loved sketching and painting. It’s such a fun way to experiment with ideas.
You live on a farm on Loch Fyne, what’s life like there?
Life on Loch Fyne is awesome. On the East Side its single track and feels very remote on the waterfront. The farm is small with a few Jersey cows and sheep. Mum makes and sells cheese and Dad runs a sustainable Halibut farm just down the road. It’s pretty idyllic. There are also 3 lovely collie dogs.
What were the key elements that inspired your mural?
The key elements were all taken from the brewery and its Organic statement. Its such an important movement and the farm is leading by example. Spending time there it became clear that its not just the beer but the whole farm and garden that is really inspirational for other producers.
You used eco-paints, what was it like working with these compared to traditional materials?
I was unsure of the eco-paints to begin with but I quickly found it was much better than the acrylics.They can be worked with and thinned with amazing natural effect. A bit like watercolour painting in some areas. Very happy I used them!
How did you find Black Isle life?
I had such a great time on the black Isle. I’d never been before and its stunning. Cycling to and from the brewery has some fantastic views and everyone at the brewery is so nice and welcoming.
And importantly, what’s your favourite Black Isle Beer?!
Before arriving to the Black Isle it was Blonde… Having spent time there it’s now Altstadt!
Fin’s Mural Time-Lapse…