An Introduction to Biodynamic Growing


Friday 4th April 2025

Let Anneke Kraakman (Demeter Inspector for Scotland) & Gordon Stronach get you started with biodynamics and see the difference it can make in your garden.

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Friday 4th April 2025

Let Anneke Kraakman (Demeter Inspector for Scotland) & Gordon Stronach get you started with biodynamics and see the difference it can make in your garden.

Friday 4th April 2025

Let Anneke Kraakman (Demeter Inspector for Scotland) & Gordon Stronach get you started with biodynamics and see the difference it can make in your garden.

Find out how this thoughtful, ecological, holistic and ethical approach to farming, gardening, food and nutrition can help your garden thrive with this one-day workshop from expert biodynamic growers, Anneke Kraakman & Gordon Stronach.

Organic tea, coffee and cake provided. Please bring a packed lunch, all-weather workwear, boots and a container to take home some biodynamic silica preparation for your garden.

Arrive 9.30am to start at 10am - 4pm. Meet in the lecture room (ask for directions at Black Isle Brewery shop if unable to find).

We reserve the right to cancel workshops if not enough participants are registered. In this case all workshop fees paid will be fully refunded.

The Lecture Room

Black Isle Brewery 
Old Allangrange  
Ross-shire, IV8 8NZ

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